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Survey on some clinical andsubclinical features of eye lesions and TRAb concentration in patients with Graves’ disease
Home Research Publications Survey on some clinical andsubclinical features of eye lesions and TRAb concentration in patients with Graves’ disease

Survey on some clinical andsubclinical features of eye lesions and TRAb concentration in patients with Graves’ disease

N A. P. T., T V. H., T V. P., Aug-2021, In: Journal of Military Medicine, Vol 46, N 6 – 2021, p. 156



Objectives: To survey some clinical and subclinical features of eye lesions and TRAb concentration in patients with Graves’ disease. Subjects and methods: A descriptive crosssectional study in 82 patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy. They were treated at the National Hospital of Endocrinology. The research method was used a descriptive cross-sectional study. Results: Median age was 34.0. The median duration of Graves' disease was 1.53 years. Some common clinical symptoms were lacrimation (87.8%), conjunctival congestion (52.4%), and eyelid retraction (76.8%). 100% of patients had elevated TRAb levels. The median level of TRAb was 8.97 (lU/mL). Through orbital computed tomography, there were 32.9% of patients with ocular muscle hypertrophy. Inferior rectus muscle hypertrophy accounted for the most common rate. Conclusion: Clinical manifestations of Graves’ ophthalmopathy were abundant. TSH-receptor autoantibody (TRAb) levels TRAb autoantibodies increased in patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy. Orbital tomography is valuable in diagnosing exophthalmos and extraocular muscle hypertrophy in Graves’ ophthalmopathy. 

Keyword(s): Graves’ ophthalmopathy; Graves’ disease.

Article number 156
Journal Journal of Military Medicine
Volume Vol 46
Issue number N 6 – 2021
Publication status Published - Aug-2021
ISBN 1859-0748